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Extreme Pets: The Corn Snake

Today on Extreme Pets we will be talking about corn snakes. These snakes have a belly that looks like-can you guess?-Corn. Want to find out more? Read on! Before we learn about the corn snake, please take a moment to pin this to your Extreme Pets board.

  1. Corn snakes are pretty tame, easy to care for and don't get very big.
  2. Corn snakes are carnivorous, and they eat small mammals, fish and sometimes toads.
  3. Corn snakes rarely bite.
  4. Corn snakes come in a variety of colors, the most common being red-orange, orange-yellow and black.
  5. A lot of people kill corn snakes because they mistake them for copperheads.
  6. Foxes, opossums, skunks, bobcats, weasels, and hawks are all predators of the corn snake.
  7. Corn snakes are constrictors, meaning they wrap themselves around their prey and squeeze them to their death. 
  8. Corn snakes often visit corn fields, because mice hang out there. It's a good place to catch some dinner.
  9. Once corn snake moms lay their eggs, they abandon them and NEVER come back.
  10. Baby corn snakes get out of their eggs with a special egg tooth, so they can carve slices into the egg.

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