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We're Moving!

Hey VetKidz! I just wanted to let you all know, is now moving to so we will not be posting on this site anymore. :-) Please pin this to your Pinterest so friends and family know that it is now Pin It For Later

How to perform CPR on a dog

404 Error Page Not Found

Oh, you got the error page. I'm sorry. You probably got here from Pinterest or by viewing this blog. You are looking for 'How to Perform CPR on a dog (or cat)?", correct? Well, you can find it here: *here* because we moved!!! Our new domain is We post there often and will have all your favorite posts up soon! Sorry for the inconvenience. 



Welcome to VetKidz!

I’m Isabella, a 12-year-old girl from Brooklyn, New York. I love animals and dream of becoming a veterinarian when I grow up. As I learn I wanted a place to share my knowledge and fun stuff as well.

This is my old blog which I opened in May 2020, when the coronavirus hit America hard and we were forced to stay home. I think I was ten. Now I am twelve and can't wait to keep sharing!


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