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14 interesting facts about rabbits

Hey, VetKidz! I am super psyched to tell you these interesting facts about our small, fluffy friends, bunnies! Super cute and bouncy, bunnies make good and loyal friends. Before we check these facts out, please take a moment to pin this to your rabbits board.

  • A male rabbit is called buck and a female one is called a doe. A baby rabbit is called a kitten or a kit, does it remind you of another animal? Rabbits can mate when they are 3 months old and can have babies when they are 6 months old. They only carry their babies for 30 days. They can produce 20 to 40 babies a year.

  • After birth, all the baby rabbits are known as a litter, like puppies. The size of the litter is usually between 4 to 8 kits. Babies are born blind and without fur. Babies open their eyes after about 10 days. Kits get weaned at between 6 to 8 weeks. Rabbits feed their babies only for about 5 minutes a day, and Domestic rabbits can’t breed with the wild ones.

  • Rabbits are herbivores (plant eating) mammals. They eat vegetables, tree bark and herbs. A rabbit’s diet is very important. The wrong food can kill a rabbit. Too much sugar or salt isn’t good for them. A 4 pound rabbit will drink as much water as a 20 pound dog.

  • Rabbits are social, loving and interactive animals. They live in groups called herds in a home called a warren. The average lifespan of a rabbit is between 8 to 10 years.

  • Rabbits weigh between 2 to 11 pounds. Rabbits have a very good memory. Rabbits also have long sensitive ears, which can turn in any direction and can also help in regulating their temperature. Rabbits can make various sounds. Rabbits have large eyes and a blind spot right in front of their face.

  • Rabbits can see behind themselves without rotating their heads. Rabbits have 28 teeth, which keep on growing continuously throughout its life. If they get misaligned, (like when people need braces), someone has to trim them. Talk to a grown-up if your bunny’s teeth look wonky.He/she may need to see the vet.

  • Rabbits chew 120 times a minute and have over 17,000 taste buds in their mouth. That’s a lot. Rabbits love to chew things.

  • Rabbits are most active at dawn and dark. When rabbits are happy, they perform a series of jumps, twists and runs, which is called binky. Rabbits require at least four hours exercise a day. They can suffer from osteoporosis if they don’t get enough exercise.

  • Rabbits can jump as long as 36 inches and higher and can run about 35 miles an hour.

  • The predators of the rabbit are the coyote, fox, wolf, and sometimes large birds. A predator can actually scare a rabbit to death. That is me and a roller coaster. Eek! Scary!

  • Rabbits can’t vomit, and they are very susceptible to overheating and can suffer from a heat stroke. The only place a rabbit sweats is on the pads of its feet. Be careful when your bunnies, (if you have some) go out in the sun!

  • Rabbits don’t like being picked up.

  • Rabbits clean, or groom themselves. They do not hibernate.

  • Bunnies love carrots, and, while they do have some good thing about them, they are very high in sugar. And too much sugar isn’t good for your bunny! (Or you! But carrots are good for you, and your eyes! Yep, that’s true, thanks to Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A, so eat your carrots!)

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